What payment methods are available?

We offer several payment methods for your convenience, including credit card, PayPal, Google Pay, Mbway and bank transfer.

What is the delivery time?

Delivery time varies depending on location, but generally takes between 3 to 9 business days.

How is delivery made?

Deliveries are made by CTT, ensuring that your products arrive safely and on time.

What is the shipping cost and where do they ship to?

Shipping costs vary depending on location and the weight of the order. We ship nationwide and to international regions.

How can I change the shipping address?

To change the shipping address, please contact us as soon as possible after placing your order.

What do I do if I receive the wrong product or there is a product missing from my order?

If you receive the wrong product or there is a missing product, please contact our customer service so we can resolve the situation.

Can I cancel or modify my order?

Yes, you can cancel or modify your order, as long as it has not yet been processed. Contact us for more information.

I have a promotional code. How can I use it in a purchase?

To use a promotional code, enter it in the designated field during the checkout process.

The item I ordered is out of stock. Why does it appear on the website?

Occasionally, due to a high volume of orders, a product may be temporarily out of stock. We apologize for any inconvenience, and we are working to replenish stock as quickly as possible.

I chose to pay by Mbway, but I didn't receive any notification. How can I proceed?

If you do not receive payment notification from Mbway, check that the phone number entered is correct and that you have an available balance. If in doubt, contact us.

I have already paid for my order. When will I receive the invoice?

The invoice will be sent by email after payment confirmation.

I purchased as a guest (without being linked to a customer account). How can I track my order?

If you purchased as a guest, you will receive an email with a link to track your order.


How can I contact Storettastic?

You can contact us via online chat or email storettastic@gmail.com

How can I contact Storettastic for a partnership?

For partnerships, send an email to storettastic@gmail.com with your proposal.


How do I return a product?

To return a product, follow the instructions on our returns page, and contact our customer service.

Under what conditions can I make a return and receive a refund?

We accept returns of unused products in their original packaging within 30 days of receipt.

How long do I have to make a return?

You have up to 30 days after receiving the product to begin the return process.

When will I receive the refund? Am I reimbursed in full?

The refund will be processed upon receipt and verification of the returned product. You will be refunded in full, except for shipping costs.


How do I create a customer account?

To create an account, click "Register" in the top right corner of our website and fill in your details.

What are the advantages of having a customer account?

With a customer account, you can track your orders, save your favorite products and receive exclusive offers.